Pro Baseball Jerseys – Event/Lan Package


Bulk jersey orders do not earn commissions for teams. Discount codes still apply.



    Select the LATEST DATE you can receive a package for this event.

    Please choose your turnaround based on when you need them delivered. Please keep in mind, that your turnaround starts on the next business day after you've placed your order as long as it was placed by 1pm Eastern Time. The turnaround for orders placed after 2pm starts on the 2nd business day after you've placed your order.

    This option allows you to buy in bulk and ship to 2 separate locations. Not avail for Rush Orders.



    Please include any important details not covered in the above fields. If you selected that you needed a new jersey design, please include any related design requests here, as well as a link to a google drive folder containing all design assets (logos, brand marks, etc). Please keep in mind to allow a minimum of 48 hours for design in addition to your turnaround time.



    Please read and accept the following disclaimer before proceeding.

    All custom orders are non-refundable. By accepting this, you understand and also agree to our terms & return policies. When purchasing, you are agreeing to the turnarounds selected, so keep in mind your deadlines for events. If you have an urgent request/deadline, All jerseys MUST and WILL ship to 1 address only.

All mockups on our site are for reference only. Actual items may vary slightly in color hue or design based on the fabrics and/or the actual trim and fit of products.
SKU: SD079809 Category: Tags: ,